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Const​ruct​ionTesti​ng & In​spections

Material Testing, Special Inspection & Engineering â€‹


Construction Testing & Inspections  offers an extensive array of construction inspection and material testing services that allows us to provide timely, professional, and thorough construction services for your project. We work with developers, architects, engineers, IOR's,  government agencies, utilities companies, municipalities, insurance companies, attorneys and private owners to provide comprehensive construction inspection and material testing services. With local knowledge and available resources in mind, our construction inspection and material testing engineers and field inspectors work directly with clients, developers and general contractors during the construction phase of the project, and respond quickly to ever-changing construction needs and schedules.

Our Construction Inspection Team 

CTI has been a recognized leader in providing comprehensive construction observation and inspection services.Our materials engineers, project managers, construction inspectors, and testing professionals successfully provide solutions to our clients and teaming partners in transportation, water, and facilities to reduce uncertainties during construction, ensure construction quality, reduce costs for future maintenance, and ultimately keep the public safe.


CWI  & ICC Structural Welding Inspectors  

CTI has developed one of the few DSA and ASNT Certified Level II, III  Non Destructive Testing Programs in Northern California. CTI performs AWS & ASME Welder Certifications & Welding Procedures for companies throughout Northern &  Central California. Level III UT, & MT on staff. 

High Strength Bolting 

Special Inspections test items that require a construction materials testing and inspection program to be conducted by a third party, specifically including new buildings, & remodels.  

ICC Building Inspections 

Our ICC  Certified Building Inspectors will review documents, plans, prior to conducting a complete inspection, CTI works closely with local building departments.You need an inspector(s) for one day call us , we can help you on any construction site. QA/ QC Inspectors.

Inspections Training Services 

CTI Team offers a complete training program, are you looking to advance your career, we can help , Get your CWI , ICC, or DSA certifications today. 

© Construction Testing & Inspections

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